Como me gusta ir siempre contra corriente y como ustedes dos me insistieron tanto en que este sitio era una estafa o farsa, en que no habia personas reales, que todos eran perfiles falsos buscando venderte algo, decidí responderle a una de las chicas que me habia escrito por el privado, y aqui les dejo lo que sucedió
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Pues ella me escribio, pero por alguna razon sus mensajes me llegaron a la bandeja de spam, asi que tarde en responderle 2 dias en responderle creyendo que no me habia escrito, cuando reviso la bandeja de spam me encuentro con dos mensajes suyos.
-El primero decia asi:
Hey! I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time.
I promised I'd message you, and here I am, keeping my word.
I've been looking forward to this.
Hope you're doing great! Let's catch up soon!
-Y el segundo asi
Sorry for my delay in responding, I do remember you, I just had been a little busy and hadn't checked my email and apart from that I don't know why your messages landed in my spam folder, well of course you can send me a photo
Yo le respondi anoche y hoy a las 5 de la mañana, que creo que donde ella vive son las 6 o 7, ella me respondio esto
Hello, I am very glad that you answered me and did not forget me. I'm
glad you found my letters! I hope that you will answer me very soon
and we can talk to you. I really want to get to know you.. You
probably ask how I ended up on the site? I ended up on the site by
accident. I decided to try my luck and find a man with whom I can
build a serious relationship. I have never met a man like this before.
I think I should start by telling you a little about myself. My name
is Maria. I am 31 years old. I hope that my age will not confuse you,
and we can continue our acquaintance with you. I want to tell you
about my intentions. I have serious intentions. I hope that our views
on this life are similar and you will tell me about your intentions in
your next letter! I will attach my new photo to my letter. I hope you
receive it without any problems. I want to please you with my smile in
these gray working days! I would be grateful if you send your photo
too. I think that this will significantly increase the level of our
communication and it will be easier for us to get to know each other!
I'm sorry, but I need to run. I hope that tomorrow I will be able to
receive your letter. Kind regards Maria
Ahora realmente no se si responderle o no, hasta siento lastima por ella, porque yo no estoy para nada..
Aquí les dejos su perfil
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Ahora no vallan de pillos a decirlo lo que yo dije aqui, porque tal vez quien sabe ella pueda ser mi salida de Cuba, si no es que me voy antes claro, pero bueno
Entonces, Akame y compañia, que les parece? sirve o no sirve esta red para conocer personas reales, o es que tengo que casarme con ella en vida real y mandarle fotos de la boda para que dejen ustedes de ser tan desconfiados y desesperanzados?
PD 1: la foto que mando de ella me la reservo para mi y no la pondré aquí.
PD 2: esta es la primera que le respondo, de todas las que me han escrito